KFF - Medicaid: Ten Items to Watch in 2022

  1. Enrollment and the pandemic: millions of people could lose coverage if they are no longer eligible or face administrative barriers
  2. State decisions around Medicaid coverage: ARPA provides a two-year fiscal incentive to encourage states to newly adopt the Medicaid expansion.
  3. BBBA and Medicaid coverage provisions: BBBA version that passed the House would create a temporary pathway to coverage for people in the coverage gap by allowing them to purchase subsidized coverage
  4. Administrative actions to maintain
  5. expand coverage: A January 2021 Biden Administration Executive Order called for efforts to “protect and strengthen Medicaid” and directed a review of waivers
  6. Staff and residents at long-term care facilities have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
  7. The COVID-19 pandemic brought new focus to the long-standing unmet need for home and community-based services (HCBS) among seniors and people with disabilities and direct care workforce shortages.
  8. In response to the pandemic
  9. states took action to increase telehealth use to expand access to care; and to increase the scope of coverage and telehealth availability for behavioral health services
  10. Most states reported that the COVID-19 pandemic prompted them to expand Medicaid programs to address social determinants of health
  11. especially related to housing supports.
  12. The Administration and the majority of state Medicaid programs are implementing initiatives to address disparities in health care by race/ethnicity in Medicaid.
  13. State Medicaid agencies and Medicaid MCOS are implementing a variety of activities aimed at promoting the take-up of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Source: Medicaid: What to Watch in 2022, January 18, 2022 - https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/medicaid-what-to-watch-in-2022/